вторник, 22 января 2013 г.

Construction of wooden houses
Today, the construction market come all new materials and technologies: round logs, laminated veneer lumber, laminated panel. Future owners of wooden houses are paying attention to the advantage of manual processing. Here is more protective of the tree, at the stage of harvesting retains all its layers, including waterproof splint, removing only the bark. Manual cutting of logs is 26 to 70 cm in diameter. Chopped wood houses fine save heat.

, Stopping the longitudinal and angular joints logs using insulating seal: bog moss, jute cloth, wool felt. Recently used a synthetic sealant. Now cutting and assembly log cabins spent directly on-site. Round logs are sorted neoshkurennye remove the bark and taken directly to each order. Earlier openings for windows and doors are made after the natural shrinkage of the framework. Modern technology and computational methods allow you to do it right. Manual cutting is not very cheap, and these little builders.
Flitches - it dvuhkantovy timber manufactured by stesyvaniya flanks logs. Has a cross-sectional height of 40cm and 24 cm thick mast application increases the possibility of building and enriching the architecture of the building.
Any timber can be subjected to various biological lesions: blue, rot, etc. Therefore, even before the construction process to cut the tree effective antiseptic.
Solid timber is most often used in the construction of wooden houses, has a cross-section 100 mm in width and height. The walls are insulated with mainly from the outside, obkladyvaya bar brick.
Otselindrovannoe timber made from high-quality wood. After okorevaniya logs are at low temperature drying. Dried lumber is treated for a perfect cylinder.
Glued laminated timber is produced from selected softwood, peeling, spread on the board and sorted. First-class stackable timber and glued under pressure at high temperature, using safe, colorless adhesives.
Glued panels made from dried and sorted layers of boards are glued to the big plate under pressure. Glued panels are very strong not deform when the humidity.

Construction of country houses
Projects of cottages are usually built from a non standard building materials, such as foam blocks or unshaped timber. The explanation is simple: the construction of country houses from materials more practical if to meet the test of "price-quality".

         Home from a bar with a shell and insulation - this is the best recommended to fans of the tree. These homes are obtained windproof and warm. Exterior bearing walls in these houses are always dry as protected from the rain and snow, though it is known that moisture - the main enemy of the tree. The big plus of the houses is the variability of timber interior and exterior. For example outside sheathing can be block-house, imitation logs, clinker panels, siding and other materials. In addition, the log houses is easy to recover.
        Country houses of foam blocks adequately hold heat, have a high fire resistance, can be decorated in different styles and are not susceptible to diseases of the tree. But these houses are more expensive than at home from a bar. At the stage of construction of the foundation mainly occurs appreciation.
Of course, the construction of country houses do not exclude the use of other materials: corrugated or laminated veneer lumber, logs. But out of the material does not get high-quality, yet affordable holiday home. Quality is always here implies greater value. Of course the choice of materials for the construction of the country house after the erection of walls house looks spectacular and the choice will certainly justified. While caring for the finishing of the walls is minimized. Usually, it is the processing and polishing opaque or translucent antiseptics.